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Course Description






Guide to Assignments

The Assignments


How To Read

A Mathematics



Some Problems Related To The Material of This Course


On Problem Solving


On Studying and Learning Mathematics


What To Do For Tomorrow



Review of Vectors in Plane and Space



Preface and Chapter 1

Errata in Text


Maple Links


Parametrized Surface

of September 28


Some Lecture Notes





First Day Packet

First Day Packet (pdf)

Selected Hints and Answers

Notes on Homework Assignments

Today’s Isobars

Today’s Isotherms

Other Level Curves


(Corrections to Typos and Other Errors)

 Integration Review

Drop-In Tutoring

Sunday 6 - 8 PM, Warner 100;

Wednesday 6 - 8, Warner 101

No Sessions on

November 2, 16, 30



Unified Treatment

of Tangent Lines

and Tangent Planes

Curvilinear Coordinates