MATH 223
Multivariable Calculus
Michael Olinick
Feynman May
11, 1918 – February 15, 1988 Nobel
Prize in Physics, 1965 |
“If you are interested in the ultimate character of the physical world, or the complete world, and at the present time our only way to understand that is through a mathematical type of reasoning, then I don't think a person can fully appreciate, or in fact can appreciate much of, these particular aspects of the world, the great depth of character of the universality of the laws, the relationship of things, without an understanding of mathematics. I don't know any other way to do it, we don't know any other way to describe it accurately... or to see the interrelationships without it. So I don't think a person who hasn't developed some mathematical sense is capable of fully appreciating this aspect of the world — don't misunderstand me, there are many, many aspects of the world that mathematics is unnecessary for, such as love, which are very delightful and wonderful to appreciate and feel awed and mysterious about; and I don't mean to say that the only thing in the world is physics, but you were talking about physics and if that's what you're talking about, then to not know mathematics is a severe limitation in understanding the world."
Feynman (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1965),
Tentative Course Outline/Topics
Some Applications Related To The Material of This Course
Advice on Reading Your Mathematics Text
On Studying and Learning Mathematics
On Problem Solving·
To Do For Tomorrow
of Vectors in Plane and Space
MATH 223 :
Multivariable Calculus
Course Description/Syllabus
Fall Term 2022
Course Title: Multivariable Calculus
Catalog Description: The calculus of functions of more than one variable. Introductory vector analysis, analytic geometry of three dimensions, partial differentiation, multiple integration, line integrals, elementary vector field theory, and applications (formerly MA 201).
Additional Description from Mathematics Department Webpage: All the functions you've studied in calculus so far live on a flat piece of paper. But you live in (at least!) three dimensions. Now you certainly know that calculus was invented to solve problems about the physical world, so we're going to have to move off that flat paper at some point. MATH 223 is where it happens. The key is the concept of a vector. If you've had a little bit of physics, you may have heard a vector is an object having direction and magnitude. In MATH 223, we'll tighten that definition up, and study functions whose domains and ranges consist of vectors. Can limit, derivative and integral make sense out here? The answer is yes, and when you're through you'll know how Newton's calculus – the greatest intellectual achievement of humankind! – made sense of Kepler's empirical observations about the motion of the planets – the greatest scientific discovery of all time! Come to think of it, maybe this course should be required for graduation…
Course Website:
Instructor: Michael Olinick, Office: Warner 202, Phone: 443-5559. Home telephone: 388-4290; email: Usual Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:15 to 2:30 PM in Room 206 of the 75 Shannon Street building. I would be happy to make an appointment to see you at other mutually convenient times. Due to Covid restrictions and security concerns, we are unable, at this time, to meet with students on the first floor of the Shannon Street building. We may have to schedule some meetings on Zoom.
Meeting Times: MATH 223A: MWF 10:10 AM – 11:00 AM (Warner 101)
Prerequisites: Calculus II (MATH 0122) and Linear Algebra (MATH 200) or permission.
Textbook: Michael Olinick, Multivariable Calculus: A Linear Algebra Based Approach, First Edition: Kendall-Hunt, 2022; ISBN 9781792437915 (
Your daily assignments will include a few pages of reading in the text. Be certain to read the book carefully (with pencil and paper close by!) and to complete the relevant reading before coming to class and before embarking on the homework problems.
Supplemental Book: James A. Carlson and Jennifer M. Johnson, Multivariable Mathematics with Maple, (Prentice-Hall, 1997). We will distribute portions in class.
Computer Algebra Systems: Mathematically oriented software such as Maple, MATLAB, and Mathematica give you an opportunity to investigate the ideas of multivariable calculus in ways not available to previous generations of students. Relatively simple commands can direct a computer to carry out complex calculations rapidly and without error. More importantly, you can create and carry out experiments to develop and test your own conjectures. The very powerful graphics capabilities of these applications provide you with strong tools to deepen your understanding of multivariable calculus through visualization of curves and surfaces. I will feature Maple in my presentations but you should feel free to MATLAB or Mathematica or other computer algebra systems. I will try to schedule a few optional introductory Maple lab sessions.
Requirements: There will be three midterm examinations and a final examination in addition to required daily homework assignments and an extended independent project. The midterm examinations will be given in the evening to eliminate time pressure. Tentative dates for these tests are:
Monday, October 3
Wednesday, November 2
Wednesday, November
Final Exam: The registrar’s office has set these days and times for the final exam:
223A: Thursday, May 19 from 9 AM to 12 Noon.
You will likely be able to take the final at either time, but will need to let me know by Monday, May 16.
Course Grades: Each
of the midterm exams will be worth approximately 20%, the final about 25% and
the independent project and homework roughly 15%. I will make adjustments with
later work counting more heavily if students show improvement over earlier
Accommodations Students who have Letters of Accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact me as early in the semester as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. For those without Letters of Accommodation, assistance is available to eligible students through the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact ADA Coordinators Jodi Litchfield and Peter Ploegman of the DRC at for more information. All discussions will remain confidential.
Homework: Mathematics is not a spectator sport! You must be a participant. The only effective way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics. In your case, this includes working out many multivariable calculus problems.
There will be daily written homework assignments which you will be expected to complete and submit. They will be corrected and assigned a numerical score, but I view these assignments primarily as learning rather than testing experiences. I will occasionally assign some challenging problems which everyone may not be able to solve. You should, however, make an honest attempt at every problem.
Each homework assignment will probably take you between 2 and 3 hours to complete; this includes the reading and problem solving. If you keep pace with the course by spending an hour or so each day on it, then you will be quite successful. If you wait until the end of the week and then try to spend one six hour block of time on the material, then experience shows you face disaster!
Grades: Grades in the course will be based primarily on the examinations, homework, projects, lab reports, and class participation.
Help: Please
see me immediately if you have any difficulties with this course. There are
ample resources on campus for assistance. Our course tutor is Abby Truex, ’04.
She will soon post hours when she is available for help.
One of the essential characteristics of college life that distinguishes it from secondary school is the increased responsibility placed on you for your own education. Most of what you will learn will not be told to you by a teacher inside a classroom.
Even if our model of you were an empty vessel waiting passively to be filled with information and wisdom, there would not be time enough in our daily meetings to present and explain it all.
We see you, more appropriately, as an active learner ready to confront aggressively the often times subtle and difficult ideas our courses contain. You will need to listen and to read carefully, to master concepts by wrestling with numerous examples and problems, and to ask thoughtful questions.
As you progress through the undergraduate mathematics curriculum, emphasis changes from mastering techniques to solve problems to learning the theory that underlies the particular subject you are studying. Multivariable Calculus is a transitional course. You will do plenty of calculations, find many derivatives and deal with a full quota of integrals. You will also find more of your effort directed toward understanding definitions, statements of theorems and their proofs. You will even be expected to come up with some short proofs of your own.
One of my goals for you this term is to develop your skills in reading mathematical expositions. I will expect that you will have read (perhaps more than once!) in advance the sections of the text relevant to the topic we will be exploring in class that day. I will not normally present a lecture which substitutes for reading the text. I will more likely use time in class to give a broader overview or alternative proofs or interesting applications and extensions of the material or previews of the next section.
MATH 223: Fall, 2022
Tentative Course Outline
(Times are approximate)
Single Variable
Equations and
Vector Spaces and
Functions of One Variable
Independent Variables
Limits and
Gradient Fields
The Chain Rule
Extreme Values
V. Multiple Integration (3
Change of
Improper Integrals
Line Integrals
Weighted Curves
and Surfaces of Revolution
Normal Vectors
and Curvature
Flow Lines,
Divergence, and Curl
Green’s Theorem
Vector Fields
Surface Integrals
Gauss’s Theorem
Stokes’s Theorem
MATH 223 Multivariable
Guide To Assignments for Fall 2022
Each assignment is due in class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Homework will generally focus on material introduced in the previous class meeting. Begin the new assignment as soon after class as practical so that you will have two days to complete it. Review your class notes and read the assigned sections first, and then work the problems. We encourage you to study together and wrestle with hard problems, but submitted solutions should be your own work. Come to class with well-prepared and specific questions on the assignment.
Experience shows that doing the
assignments regularly and carefully is the key to doing well in calculus. You should expect to spend at least two hours
on homework for every hour in class, and an average of 8 to 10 hours total each
week including your review and careful reading.
of the readings and exercises will come from our text, of Multivariable Calculus: A Linear Algebra Based Approach ( )
The reading is an important
supplement to what goes on in class. It
will cover some examples and methods you need and for which you will be held responsible
but which we will not have time to cover
in class. Read carefully with a pencil
and pad next to you. Work out details of
calculations you don’t understand.
Some Applications Related To The Material of This Course
Below are a dozen or so exercises
that show some of the range of applications of Multivariable Calculus.
You should be able to solve these problems and similar ones by the end of the
course. If applications like these appeal to you, then you will enjoy applying
the tools and techniques you will be learning in our class.
A Toddler’s Surface Area. At
age 2 years, a typical boy is 86 cm tall, weighs 13 kg and is growing at a ate
of 9 cm/year and 2 kg/year. Use the Dubois and DuBois surface area formula
Hardy-Weinberg Three
alleles (alternative forms of a gene) A, B and O determine the four human blood
types: A (AA or AO), B (BB or BO), O (OO) and AB. The Hardy-Weinberg law asserts that the proportion of individuals in a
population who carry two different alleles is given by the formula
10. Cobb-Douglas Production Functions If x units of capital and y units of labor are required to
manufacture f(x,y) units of a certain
commodity, the Cobb-Douglas production function is defined by
11. Volume of
the earth. Because
of rotation, the earth is not perfectly spherical bt is slightly flattened at
the poles, with a polar radius of 6356 km and an equatorial radius of 6378 km.
As a result, the shape of the earth’s surface can be approximated by the
Gypsy Moths on the Loose. We can model the
spread of an aerosol in the atmosphere by a combination of wind and diffusion
using a function of three variables. The
concentration of the aerosol reaches a steady state independent of time at a
point x given by
Pheromones are “odor” chemicals
released by animals for chemical communication within a species. For a single
female gypsy moth, Q is on the order
of 3 ´
1013 particles per cubic centimeter. Given that a male gypsy moth
can detect as few as 10
0 particles per cubic cm, use the Lagrange multipliers method to determine the
maximum distance downward from a female
moth that a male moth can detect a female gypsy moth.
13. Optimal Investment Policy.
An organization wants to determine an
optimal allocation of investment between labor and capital stock over an
extended period of time, beginning at time t
= 0 and ending at time t = T
(which may be infinite). If s and e represent the fraction of the output
allocated to investment in capital stock and human labor, respectively, then we
want to choose s and e so that we maximize
MATH 223: Multivariable Calculus
Tentative Schedule for Fall Term 2022
Week Of: |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
12 |
Assignment 1 |
Assignment 2 |
19 |
Assignment 3 |
Assignment 4 |
Assignment 5 |
26 |
Assignment 6 |
Assignment 7 |
Assignment 8 |
3 |
Assignment 9 Exam 1 |
Assignment 10 |
10 |
Assignment 11 |
Assignment 12 |
17 |
13 |
Assignment 14 |
Assignment 15 |
24 |
Assignment 16 |
Assignment 17 |
Assignment 18 |
31 |
Assignment 19 |
Assignment 20 Exam 2 |
Assignment 21 |
7 |
Assignment 22 |
Assignment 23 |
Assignment 24 |
14 |
Assignment 25 |
Assignment 26 |
Assignment 27 |
21 |
Thanksgiving Recess |
Thanksgiving Recess |
Thanksgiving Recess |
28 |
Assignment 28 |
Assignment 29 Exam 3 |
Assignment 30 |
5 |
31 |
Assignment 32 |
Assignment 33 |
December 12 |
Class |
MATH 223 Fall 2022
Assignment 1
(Adapted from Homework 0 by Alex Lyford)
Due: Wednesday, September
carefully Section 2.1 “Curves in the Plane and Space” in our text
Multivariable Calculus: A Linear Algebra Based Approach.
may submit an electronic copy of this assignment to me ( with the subject line: MATH 223 Assignment
1 or print it out and bring it to
Wednesday’s class. Make sure you include your name at the top of
the document.
task is to create a document describing yourself, your goals, and what you hope
to get out of our Multivariable Calculus class. Please provide your name at the
top of the first page along with your major or likely major and your anticipated graduate date.
with an autobiographical statement about yourself that will help me to get to
know a little about you. Where did you grow up? Why did you come to Middlebury?
What are your likes and dislikes? Do you have any hobbies that you do
regularly? Do you have a major
extracurricular activity such as athletics, theatre or The Campus?
the biographical statement tell me about your mathematical, statistical, and computer
programming background. What did you like about previous mathematics,
statistics, and/or programming classes? What did you dislike? What aspects did
you find easy? What aspects did you find challenging?
next part should discuss your plans for the remainder of your time in college,
and what you hope to do after you graduate. Is more schooling the next step, or
do you plan to get a job? It's okay to not have any idea what you want to do
after graduation, but list some possibilities so that I can better tailor the
materials in class to your potential career opportunities.
tell me about your thoughts and expectations for this class. What are you hoping and/or expecting to learn?
What do you think the challenges of this course might be? What, if anything,
have you heard about this course from your peers? What expectations do you have
of me? Feel free to also discuss anything I've failed to ask here.
Advice on Reading Your
Mathematics Textbooks
[There are many excellent
essays online with advice on how to read effectively a mathematics book. Here
is an adaption of one of them. I haven't
been able to track down the original author's name to give full credit.]
Reading the textbook is important for succeeding academically, and this is also true in your mathematics classes. However, reading mathematics is different from other types of reading. Getting the most out of a mathematics textbook will require more than just skimming through the pages. Below are some tips for helping you get the most from your mathematics text.
• Focus on concepts, not exercises. The most important material in a mathematics textbook is found in the prose, not in the exercises at the end of the section. In the past, you may have opened your mathematics book only when doing problem sets and exercises (looking at the rest of the book only for examples which mirror the current assigned homework). You must rid yourself of this bad habit now. Instead, set aside time to read the text when you are not working on a homework assignment. This will enable you to truly focus on the mathematical concepts at hand.
There are an infinite number of types of mathematics problems, so there is no way to learn every single problem-solving technique. Mathematics is about ideas. The mathematics problems that you are assigned are expressions of these ideas. If you can learn the key concepts, you will be able to solve any type of problem (including ones you have never seen before) that involves those concepts.
• Read the text more than once. You cannot read mathematics in the same way as you would read a newspaper or a novel. Many of the ideas presented in a typical college mathematics course have confounded brilliant minds in centuries past. So it is not unexpected that you may have difficulty learning these same ideas if you quickly scan through the reading assignments only once. You should expect to go through the each reading assignment several times before you can gain a full understanding of the material.
• When reading through for the first time, look for the big ideas. The first time you read through a chapter of the textbook, you should be thinking to yourself: “What is the main point of the chapter?” Look for the big picture. The details are important, but you need to be aware of the forest first before focusing on the trees.
• The second time through, fill in details. After you get the big picture, you should then look at the details. Take some time to think about each of the definitions, theorems, and formulas you encounter (more on this later).
• Read with paper and pen. As you are reading through the text, you should be writing notes and verifying any parts of which you are skeptical. Check any calculations. Rewrite definitions and theorems in your own words.
See if you can come up with your own examples. Ask yourself about special cases of the theorems you read.
• Read the narrative. There is a story to be told in mathematics. What is the progression of ideas being told? Don’t just skip to the formulas and examples, but instead follow the development of the ideas and concepts presented.
• Study the examples. What points do each of the examples illustrate? Some examples are extreme cases. Other examples are supposed to illustrate “typical” situations.
• Read the pictures. There are good reasons for the many pictures and graphs in mathematics texts. You should be asking yourself what features of the picture are important to the key concepts. Focus on how each picture illustrates a particular idea.
• Learn the vocabulary and the language. Pay attention to definitions and what they mean. Mathematics language is very precise, and a word in a mathematical context may have a different meaning than when it is used in everyday conversation. In mathematics, great care is taken to explicitly and precisely define the notions being considered. In addition, mathematical definitions and language are crafted in such a way to convey sophisticated notions in as simple and concise a manner as possible.
• Learn the theorems and what they mean. Theorems are vital bricks to building mathematical knowledge. When you see a theorem in a mathematics text, look at it very closely. What does it say? What are its hypotheses? What implications does it have? Are there special cases you should be aware of ? Can you think of examples to which the theorem applies? Can you think of examples that do not satisfy the hypotheses and the conclusion of the theorem?
• Use the index and the appendices. Know what every word means. Make sure that you understand all of the words and ideas. If there is a particular word which you do not know (or which you want to know better), look it up. Use the table of contents or the index to help you.
• Make a note of things you do not understand, and ask for help afterwards. Even after following all of the above advice, you might still find some of the ideas confusing. That is to be expected; material such as this is often hard to internalize when one first encounters it. If there is something that you do not understand, make a note of it. Write down any questions you may have. You then can bring up these issues with your instructor or a classmate.
students have found that some ways are far more effective than others in
studying and learning mathematics. Here
are some suggestions and pointers that may help you in budgeting the time you
can devote to mathematics, preparing for examinations, and learning and
understanding the material in a way that promotes long-range retention:
1. Do all reading assignments actively. Keep a pencil and scratch paper at hand. Mark up the pages of the book. Write in any questions you may have. Verify examples given by writing out the
details yourself.
2. Plan to do all reading assignments several times. In mathematics courses, reading assignments
are seldom more than a few pages long.
They often contain, however, subtle ideas which require repeated study
before they are mastered. You should
read the appropriate section of the text before the class in which it will be
discussed, read it again before beginning the homework assignment, and read it
a third time after you have completed the homework.
3. Follow the advice in (1) above when reviewing
your lecture notes. You should try to go
over your lecture notes as soon as possible after the class session has
ended. Definitely review the notes
before attempting the homework.
4. Do all homework sets on time. Don't let yourself fall behind. If you have difficulty with a problem,
especially one that is more theoretical, do the following:
(a) Write out the relevant definitions and
results. It may now be a small step to
complete the problem.
(b) Ask whether you can think of a simpler but
related problem, and tackle that one first.
Is there a special case of the general result? Do you know how to solve the problem in this
special case? This approach usually
provides insight for attacking the original problem.
5. Do not spend hours sitting still, thinking,
reading, studying and reviewing problem solutions! While these approaches may be helpful for
other courses and some time should be spent on these activities in mathematics
courses, there are more productive paths to learning in mathematics. Spend your time writing out solutions to new
problems, deriving relationships, writing down clear definitions, and
outlining the steps of a proof. These
activities provide a better way to prepare for an examination.
6. Pay a great deal of attention to
definitions. Write them out yourself and
think about them. Write out examples
that do and do not satisfy the definitions.
Ask yourself how the definition says something different from its
intended meaning if the order of the words is shifted.
7. Begin reviewing for examinations a week
early. Use small chunks of time. Tackle those topics you have found difficult;
with hindsight they are often easier. Do
NOT plan on spending a whole day of study just before an exam. This is almost always an inefficient way to
budget your time.
8. Review solutions for homework problems as
soon as you get them, and write up (for your own enlightenment) those problems
which caused you difficulty.
9. Write down questions that arise as you go
along. Bring them with you to class, to
review sessions, and to your instructor's office hours.
major part of your time in Multivariable Calculus and other courses is devoted
to solving problems. It is worth your
while to develop sound techniques. Here
are a few suggestions.
Think. Before plunging into a problem, take a moment
to think. Read the problem again. Think about it. What are its essential features? Have you seen a problem like it before? What techniques are needed?
to make a rough estimate of the answer.
It will help you understand the problem and will serve as a check
against unreasonable answers. A car will
not go 1,000 miles in 3 hours; a weight dropped from 10,000 feet will not hit
the earth at 5 mph; the volume of a tank is not -275 gal.
the data. Be sure you understand what is
given. Translate the data into
mathematical language. Whenever
possible, make a clear diagram and label it accurately. Place axes to simplify computations. If you get stuck, check that you are using
all the data.
Avoid sloppiness.
(a) Avoid
sloppiness in language. Mathematics
is written in English sentences. A
typical mathematical sentence is "y
= 4x + 1." The equal sign = is the verb in this sentence; it means equals
or is equal to. The equal sign is
not to be used in place of and, nor as a punctuation mark.
on opposite sides of an equal sign must be equal.
short simple sentences. Avoid pronouns
such as "it" and "which".
Give names and use them. Consider
the following example.
find the minimum of it, differentiate it and set it equal to zero, then solve
it which if you substitute it, it is the minimum."
Better: "To find the minimum of f(x), set its derivative f '(x) equal to zero. Let x0 be the solution of the resulting
equation. Then f(x0) is the minimum value of f(x)."
(b) Avoid
sloppiness in computation. Do
calculations in a sequence of neat, orderly steps. Include all steps except utterly trivial
ones. This will help eliminate errors,
or at least make errors easier to find.
Check any numbers used; be sure that you have not dropped a minus sign
or transposed digits.
(c) Avoid
sloppiness in units. If you start
out measuring in feet, all lengths must be in feet, all areas in square feet,
and all volumes in cubic feet. Do not
mix feet and acres, seconds and years.
(d) Avoid
sloppiness in the answer. Be sure to
answer the question that is asked. If
the problem asks for the maximum value of f(x),
the answer is not the point where the maximum occurs. If the problem asks for a formula, the answer
is not a number.
EXAMPLE Find the minimum of f(x) = x2 - 2x + 1.
Solution 1:
2x - 2
x = 1
12 - 2 . 1 + 1
Unbearable. This is just a collection of marks on the
paper. There is absolutely no indication
of what these marks mean or of what they have to do with the problem. When you write, it is your responsibility to
inform readers what you are doing.
Assume they are intelligent, but not
mind readers.
= 2x - 2 = 0 = 2x = 2 = x = 1
f(x) = 12 - 2 . 1 + 1 = 0.
The equal sign is badly mauled.
This solution contains such enlightening statements as "0 = 2 =
1," and it does not explain what the writer is doing.
Solution 3:
= 2x - 2 = 0, 2x = 2,
x = 1.
This is better than Solution 2, but
contains two errors. Error 1: The first statement, "= 2x - 2 = 0," muddles two separate steps. First the derivative is computed, then the
derivative is equated to zero. Error
2: The solution is incomplete because it
does not give what the problem asks for, the minimum value of f.
Instead, it gives the point x at
which the minimum is assumed.
Solution 4:
The derivative of f is
f ' = 2x - 2.
At a minimum, f ' = 0. Hence
2x - 2 = 0, x = 1.
The corresponding value of f is
f(1) = 12 - 2 . 1 + 1 = 0.
If x
> 1, then f '(x) = 2(x-1) > 0,
so f is increasing. If x
< 1, then f '(x) = 2(x-1) < 0, so f is decreasing. Hence f
is minimal at x = 1, and the minimum values of f is 0.
solution is absolutely correct, but long.
For homework assignments the following is satisfactory (check with your
Solution 5:
f '(x) = 2x - 2.
At min, f ' = 0, 2x - 2 = 0, x = 1. For x
> 1, f '(x) = 2(x-1) > 0, f: for x < 1,
f '(x) = 2(x-1) < 0, f.
Hence x = 1 yields min,
f min = f(1) = 12 - 2 . 1 + 1 = 0.
The next solution was submitted by a
student who took a moment to think.
Solution 6:
f(x) = x2 - 2x + 1 = (x-1)2 > 0.
f(1) = (1-1)2 = 0.
Hence the minimum value of f(x) is 0.
- Adapated from A
First Course in Calculus
Flanders, Korfhage and Price
MATH 223: Multivariable Calculus
Fall 2022
What To Do By Tomorrow
Read through the documents in this packet.
Access the course website
and check out some of the links.
Obtain a copy of our text. Read through the first chapter to refresh your memory of Single
Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra. Examine the review sheets on vectors in
the plane and 3-space.
Purchase a loose leaf binder
to store the various handouts about the course that will be distributed, your
class notes and the homework. You will accumulate a
large number of loose sheets of paper from this course during the term; it's
very helpful to keep them organized. You may also wish to obtain some graph
Begin work on Assignment 1, the assignment due to be
turned in on Wednesday.
Don't hesitate to come
in to see me if you need some help or have questions.